New York City resident Remi Landau is working on her skills as a fashion designer. In addition to being creative, Remi Landau’s interpersonal skills have assisted her with accomplishing her career goals in fashion.
Interpersonal skills are invaluable in business. In fashion, whether working as an intern or a designer, interpersonal skills are necessary to move forward in this industry.
The fashion industry has long been characterized by being a profession of very fickle perfectionists. However, while this characterization might be true, the professionals who comprise this industry have to have interpersonal skills to work together as a team. These skills come in handy when working on projects and sharing ideas.
Ultimately, interpersonal skills are of great use throughout the business day. They help build relationships between the professionals and customers and co-workers. Moreover, in a very diverse industry, interpersonal skills help people with respecting other’s differences.
When engaging clients, interpersonal skills assist with making them feel comfortable with the clothing. For example, being able to articulate knowledge regarding clothing is important to making the sale. Alternatively, when clothing does not fit appropriately, interpersonal skills assist professionals in the industry with tactfully communicating this to the customer.